SITUATII FINANCIARE 30 iunie 2019.pdf |
S1045_0619_10072019_08.08_2019OK.pdf |
Review audit report June 30.2019.pdf |
Report regarding availability of financial data for sem.I. 2019.pdf |
Report of the directors _H1 2019.pdf |
Raport de revizuire la 30.06.2019.pdf |
Raport administratorilor _sem1 2019.pdf |
Rap_privind disp_datelor financiare pe sem.I. 2019.pdf |
Financial Statements an 30 Junie 2019.pdf |
Notice regarding dividends payment for FY2018_En.pdf |
Comunicat_ privind plata dividendelor aferente anului 2018 .pdf |
S1040_568656_31.12.2018 ok.pdf |
Situatii financiare trim 1 2019.pdf |
Raport privind disp_datelor fin_ pe trim I. 2019.pdf |
Financial situation Q I 2019.pdf |
Financial Data Availab Notice I rd Quarter_ 2019_En.pdf |
Current report according to CNVM Regulation - OGM.pdf |
Raport curent conform Regulamentului CNVM - Desfasurare AGOA.pdf |
Situatii financiare 31.12.2018 -semnate.pdf |
Raport CA final_31.12_final.pdf |
Raport audit Comelf 2018 - Româna semnat.pdf |
Raport audit Comelf 2018 - Engleza semnat.pdf |
Declaratie situatii financiare |
19_COMELF-SA_BD final Report_31_12_17_03_2019_En |
19_COMELF-SA_21_03_2019_FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2018)_v6__En_final.pdf |
18_COMELF_SA_Vote_by_mail_OGMS_04_18_2019_En.pdf |
Buletin de vot prin corespondenta AGOA din 18.04.2019.pdf |
Imputernicire speciala AGOA din 18.04.2019.pdf |
18_COMELF_SA_Special_POA_ OGMS of 04_18_2019_En_.pdf |
Convocare AGOA 18.04.2019.pdf |
19_COMELF-SA_Current Report acc CNVM Regulation -OGMS Summons_En.pdf |
19_COMELF-SA_OGMS-Summons-18-04-2019En.pdf |
Raport curent conform Regulamentului CNVM - Convocare AGOA.pdf |
Convocare AGOA 18.04.2019.pdf |
Situatii financiare preliminare 2018 |
Preliminary Financial Statements 2018 |
Calendarul financiar an 2019.pdf |
Financial Information 2019.pdf |
Raport curent conf_Regulamentului ASF - Desf_ AGEA.pdf |
Current Report accrding to ASF Regulation -EGMS Summary.pdf |
Anexa 13 la Regulamentul ASF nr.5 |
Annex 13 to Regulation ASF nr5_En |
Financial Data Availab Notice 3rd Quarter_ 2018_En |
III rd Quarter Report 2018_En |
Raport trimestrul III 2018 |
Raport privind disp_datelor fin_ pe trim.III. 2018 |
Situatii_financiare_la 30.09.2018 |
COMELF-SA_Decision Proposal EGMS |
Buletin de vot prin corespondenta AGEA din 21.11.2018 |
COMELF-SA_Vote by Mail EGMS on 21.11.2018 |
Imputernicire speciala AGEA din 21.11.2018 |
COMELF-SA_ISpecial POA EGMS on 21.11.2018 |
Raport curent conform Regulamentului CNVM - Convocare AGEA |
COMELF-SA_Current Report accrding to CNVM Regulation -EGMS Convener |
BILANT S1045_06_18_568656 |
Financial Statements at 30 iunie 2018_En |
Raport administrator |
Raport privind disponibilitatea datelor financiare pe sem.I. 2018 |
Raport revizuire 30.06.2018 COMELF |
Raport revizuire 30.06.2018 COMELF_EN |
Report of the directors and June 2018 |
Report regarding availability of financial data for sem.I. 2018 |
Situatii financiare |
Comunicat privind disp_datelor fin_trim I 2018 |
Statement regarding availability of financial data _Q1_2018 |
Raport trimestrul I la 31.03.2018 |
Report Q1 la 31.03.2018 |
Raport curent conf_Reg_CNVM - Desfasurare AGOA |
C U R R E N T R E P O R T - OGAS held on April 19, 2018 |
Hotarare AGOA |
Raport privind disponibilitatea sit fin pe 2017 |
Report availability of financial statements for 2017 |
Raport anual 2017 |
Annual report 2017 |
BILANT_S1040_COMELF_2017 |
Proiect BVC 2018 |
Declaratie in conformitate cu prev. art.30 din legea 82 din 1991 |
Propunere de repartizare a profitului net pe anul 2017 |
Buletin de vot prin corespondenta AGOA din 19.04.2018 |
Imputernicire speciala AGOA din 19.04.2018 |
COMELF_SA_Vote_by_mail_OGMS_04_19_2018 |
COMELF_SA_Special_POA_ OGMS of 04_19_2018 |
Raport curent conf_ Reg_CNVM - Convocare AGOA |
Current report according to the NSC Regulation |
Calendarul financiar an 2018 |
Financial calendar 2018 |
Raport privind disponibilitatea sit fin preliminare pe 2017 |
Situatii financiare preliminare 2017 |
Preliminary Financial Statements 2017 available |
Preliminary Financial Results 2017 |
Current_Report_according to_CNVM Regulation - EGMS Proceedings |
Raport curent conform Regulamentului CNVM - Desfasurare AGEA |
COMELF-SA_EGMS-04-01_18_Special POA_En- Special_POA |
Imputernicire speciala AGEA din 04.01.2018 |
COMELF-SA_EGMS-04-01_18_Vote by mail_Form |
Buletin de vot prin corespondenta AGEA din 04_01_18 |
COMELF-SA_EGMS_Decision Proposal-04-01_18 |
Raport curent - Convocare AGEA engleza semnat |
Convocator semnat engleza |
Raport curent - Convocare AGEA romana semnat |
Convocator semnat |
Financial results Q3 2017 |
Rezultate financiare trim 3 2017 |
Appointment of new General Manager Report |
Raport curent |
Conditii Generale de Cumparare COMELF |
Situatii financiare 30 iunie 2017 |
Report_Administrators_COMELF |
Report revizuire 30 iune 2017_eng |
Raport revizuire 30.06.2017_Comelf_ro |
Raport CA 30 iunie 2017 |
Raport semestru 1 2017 |
HQ1_2017-Current report |
Financial statements as of 30 of June 2017 |
Bilant S1045 06 17 568656 |
COMELF_SA_Information Letter regarding payment of dividends for FY 2016 |
COMELF-SA_Comunicat privind plata dividendelor aferente anului 2016 |
COMELF_SA_Report regarding avail_financial data Q1 I 12.05 |
Profit or loss_la 31.03.2017 |
Cont de profit si pierdere _la 31.03.2017 |
CNVM Report_Ist_Quarter_2017 |
Raport conf CNVM trimestrul I 2017 |
COMELF_SA_Financial Statements availability for 2016 |
Raport privind disponibilitatea sit fin pe 2016 |
COMELF_SA_OGMS - Decision |
Hotarare AGOA |
COMELF_SA_Current Report ac CNVM Rules - OGMS |
Raport curent conform Regulamentului CNVM - Desfasurare AGOA |
Raport audit COMELF 2016 - Engleza |
Raport audit COMELF 2016 - Romana |
NOTES - Financial statements on 31 december 2016 |
Annual raport of the Board |
Raportul anual al C.A. |
Regulament intern COMELF |
Anexa 13 la Regulamentul ASF nr.5 |
Annex 13 to Regulation ASF nr5_En |
Financial Data Availab Notice 3rd Quarter_ 2018_En |
III rd Quarter Report 2018_En |
Raport trimestrul III 2018 |
Raport privind disp_datelor fin_ pe trim.III. 2018 |
Situatii_financiare_la 30.09.2018